We are pleased to announce that terms have been agreed between our client, an award-winning independent London…
based café (BMB10599) and a prestigious event catering and venue management operator in London.
Over the past 5 years, our client has built a thriving business with a reputable and trusted brand. The established business prides itself on its unique Antipodean-style offering as well as using seasonal and local produce across their menu.
At BuyMyBiz we pride ourselves on providing a confidential marketing and broker service while securing the best deal for the seller. As a result of our specialist research and confidential marketing activities, we were able to generate much interest in this business, our client is confident that we have secured them the right deal with a buyer able to take this business forward. We expect to see this deal completed in the New Year.
Do you have a business you’re considering selling? Book your no-obligation and confidential business review today by calling 0330 133 2021 or email us at sales@buymybiz.co.uk